I had one job

Day 15 (Please click the title to leave a comment)

My mom is usually the one who picks up my son from practice because it is a race for me to get there in time from work. My mom is not available and my neighbor, who we car pool with, is out of town. I am tasked with actually leaving on time to get them.

So this is it! I am on it today, I will be there at 4:30, I will not get get caught speaking with a teacher or a parent about a student – like I do everyday. Today I will prioritze my own child!

I am paying attention to the clock very closely and packing up my bag so that I can run out the door as soon as my day is over. I decide to take a different way home that should be quicker, since my normal way has some construction. Out the door I go!

I am methodical, I am taking the quicker way home to avoid the traffic I usually hit. I’m feeling great! I check maps:

Arrival time: 4:30, Feeling good! I will be right on time!

uh oh, traffic is starting to slow down a little

Arrival time: 4:36, okay, I’m still okay, they don’t walk out right away, it will be fine.

ummmm I’m starting to see RED on the map

Arrival time: 4:44- Okay, panic is starting to set in. Who is home, who can I call???

not only is it showing red, I am dead stopped on the on ramp! WTF

Arrival time 4:57: OMG I am never going to make it! My mom is still at the doctor with my brother, the neighbor is on a business trip. This was my one responsibility!

I call my best friend of 35 years who lives blocks from the school. I acknowledge my failure as a parent to her. She giggles and said no problem, she jumped into action!

Thank you for taking on the one job I had to do.

6 thoughts on “I had one job

  1. I hate when I make decisions that I think will be beneficial only to see it was the worst decision to make at the time. UGH! Thankfully, you had someone that could jump in and help you out.

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  2. It is the dumb pothole repairs!!! I was trapped yesterday and Jessie found another ride home! I am glad you had someone to call. It is a horrible feeling.

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  3. My blood pressure was rising reading this, too. 😬 I love that you have an amazing friend to call on for help in times like these.

    When these “not my fault I’m late” moments happen to me on the days I actually left early I blame the universe. See, no one wants me to be an on time version of myself lol!

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  4. My heart was racing as I was reading this, I was fully invested if you were going to make it in time! You can always try again tomorrow, your Uber rating will probably suffer though!! LOL

    Liked by 1 person

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